
Productions issues du projet INSSICCA


  • Lastel, M.-L., Lerch, S., Fournier, A., Jurjanz, S., Mahieu, M., Archimède, H., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2016. Chlordecone disappearance in tissues of growing goats after a one month decontamination period - effect of body fatness on chlordecone retention. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (4), pp. 3176-3183.
  • Lerch, S., Guidou, C., Thomé, J.P., Jurjanz, S., 2016. Non-dioxin-like Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Chlordecone Release from Adipose Tissue to Blood in Response to Body Fat Mobilization in Ewe (Ovis aries). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64 (5), pp. 1212-1220.
  • Fournier, A., Feidt C., Lastel M.L., Archimède H., Thomé J.P., Mahieu M., Rychen G., 2017.Toxicokinetics of chlordecone in goats: Implications for risk management in French West Indies. Chemosphere, 171 (-), pp. 564-570.
  • Jurjanz, S., Collas, C., Lastel, M.-L., Godard, X., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., Mahieu, M., Feidt, C., 2017. Evaluation of soil intake by growing Creole young bulls in common grazing systems in humid tropical conditions. Animal, 11 (8), pp. 1363-1371.
  • Yehya, S., Bakkour, H., Eter, D., Baroudi, M., Feidt, C., 2017. Adsorption isotherm and kinetic modeling of chlordecone on activated carbon derived from dates stones. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 13 (2), pp. 20-28.
  • Yehya, S., Delannoy, M., Fournier, A., Baroudi, M., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2017. Activated carbon, a useful medium to bind chlordecone in soil and limit its transfer to growing goat kids. PLOS ONE, 12 (7), pp. e0179548--.
  • Lastel, M.-L., Fournier, A., Jurjanz, S., Thomé, J.-P., Joaquim-Justo, C., Archimède, H., Mahieu, M., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Comparison of chlordecone and NDL-PCB decontamination dynamics in growing male kids after cessation of oral exposure: Is there a potential to decrease the body levels of these pollutants by dietary supplementation of activated carbon or paraffin oil? Chemosphere, 193 (-), pp. 100-107.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Inthavong, C., Bertin, T., Lavison-Bompard, G., Guérin, T., Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Parinet, J., 2018. Development and validation of an HPLC-MS/MS method with QuEChERS extraction using isotopic dilution to simultaneously analyze chlordecone and chlordecol in animal livers Food Chemistry, 252 (2018), pp. 147-153.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Bertin, T., Inthavong, C., Lavison-Bompard, G., Guérin, T., Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Parinet, J. Validation of analytical methods for chlordecone and its metabolites in the urine and feces of ewes. Journal of Chromatography B, 1093-1094 (2018), pp. 66-76.
  • Delannoy, M., Yehya, S., Techer, D., Razafitianamaharavo, A., Richard, A., Caria, G., Baroudi, M., Montarges-Pelletier, E., Rychen, G., Feidt, C. Amendment of soil by biochars and activated carbon to reduce chlordecone bioavailability in piglets. Chemosphere, 210 (.), pp. 486-494.
  • Collas, C., Mahieu, M., Tricheur, A., Crini, N., Badot, P.-M., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S. 2019. Cattle exposure to chlordecone through soil intake. The case-study of tropical grazing practices in the French West Indies. Science of the Total Environment, 668 (-), pp. 161-170.

  • Mahieu, M., Arquet, R., Tricheur, A., Collas, C., Jurjanz, S., 2019. Suivi du pâturage avec un appareil photo grand public et des logiciels libres : méthode et validation. Fourrages, 240, pp. 335-340.
  • Delannoy M., Techer D., Yehya S., Razafitianamaharavo A., Amutova F., Fournier A., Baroudi M., Montarges-Pelletier E., Rychen G., Feidt C., 2020. Evaluation of two contrasted activated carbon based sequestration strategies to reduce soil bound chlordecone bioavailability in piglets, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27pages 4102341032 .
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Rychen, G., Thomé, J.-P., Joaquim-Justo, C., Le Roux, Y., Feidt, C., Fournier, A., 2020. Linear toxicokinetic of chlordecone in ewe’s serum. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27pages 4096340970.
  • Ranguin, Ronald, Corine Jean-Marius, Christelle Yacou, Sarra Gaspard, Cyril Feidt, Guido Rychen, et Matthieu Delannoy. « Reduction of Chlordecone Environmental Availability by Soil Amendment of Biochars and Activated Carbons from Lignocellulosic Biomass ». Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 janvier 2020.
  • Fourcot, A., C. Feidt, A. Bousquet-Mélou, A. A. Ferran, J. L. Gourdine, M. Bructer, C. Joaquim-Justo, G. Rychen, et A. Fournier. « Modeling Chlordecone Toxicokinetics Data in Growing Pigs Using a Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Approach ». Chemosphere 250 (1 juillet 2020): 126151.
  • Delannoy, Matthieu, Jean-Michel Girardet, Fathia Djelti, Frances T. Yen, et Céline Cakir-Kiefer. « Affinity of Chlordecone and Chlordecol for Human Serum Lipoproteins ». Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 80 (1 novembre 2020): 103486.
  • Collas, Claire, Maurice Mahieu, Pierre-Marie Badot, Nadia Crini, Guido Rychen, Cyril Feidt, et Stefan Jurjanz. « Dynamics of Soil Ingestion by Growing Bulls during Grazing on a High Sward Height in the French West Indies ». Scientific Reports 10, no 1 (14 octobre 2020): 17231.
  • Liber, Yohan, Denis Cornet, Régis Tournebize, Cyril Feidt, Maurice Mahieu, François Laurent, et Jean-Philippe Bedell. « A Bayesian Network Approach for the Identification of Relationships between Drivers of Chlordecone Bioaccumulation in Plants ». Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, no 33 (1 novembre 2020): 41046‑51.



  • Feidt, C., 2016. Transferts trophiques de la chlordécone. Action Nationale de Formation CNRS « Les micropolluants dans tous leurs états », 06-10 juin, Evian, France.
  • Yehya, S., Delannoy, M., Fournier, A., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2016. Rearing kids on chlordecone contaminated soils: activated carbon a promising media to limit the transfer from soil to animal tissues. SETAC Europe 26th Meeting, 22-26 mai, Nantes, France.
  • Delannoy, M., Yehya, S., Fournier, A., Baroudi, M., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2017. Comparison of efficiency of in situ amendment of soil and alimentary suppementation with activated carbons to limit CLD transfer to piglets. 27th Annual Meeting SETAC Europe, 07-11 mai, Bruxelles, Belgique.
  • Fournier, A., Saint-Hilaire, M., Thomé, J.-P., Adam, C., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2017. Toxicokinetic of chlordecone in small ruminants: linearity and half-life. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 08-11 mai, Bruxelles, Belgique.
  • Rychen, G., Fournier, A., Delannoy, M., Jurjanz, S., Angeon, V., Mahieu, M., Archimède, H., Feidt, C., 2017. The INSSICCA research project: INnovative Strategies to establish Safe livestock rearing systems In Chlordecone Contaminated Areas. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 08-11 mai, Bruxelles, Belgique.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M, Feidt, C, Parinet, J, Inthavong, C, Thomé, J-P, Rychen, G, Fournier, A., 2017. Détermination de différentes formes d’élimination de la chlordécone chez la brebis. 47e congrès du Groupe Français des Pesticides, 15-18 mai, Nancy, France.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Fournier, A., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., Inthavong, C., Parinet, J., 2017. Development of an HPLC-MS/MS Method to Measure Chlordecone’s Metabolites in Livestock Liver. 27th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 08-11 mai, Bruxelles, Belgique.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Inthavong, C., Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Rychen, G.,Bertin, T.,, Parinet, J ,2017. Développement d’une méthode de dosage de la chlordécone et du chlordécol par LC-MS/MS avec dilution isotopique dans la matrice foie animale. SEP, 28-30 mars, Paris, France.
  • Yehya, S., Delannoy, M., Baroudi, M., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2017. Utilisation de biochar afin de réduire la biodisponibilité de la chlordécone chez l'animal élevé sur parcelles contaminées. 47ème congrès du Groupe Français des Pesticides (GFP), 15-18 mai, Nancy, France.
  • Collas, C., Mahieu, M., Badot, P.-M., Tricheur, A., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S., 2018. Ingestion de sol par des bovins au piquet en fonction de l'offre fourragère et de l'humidité du sol. 6e Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Phase de l'INRA, 04-05 avril, Rennes, France.
  • Collas, C., Mahieu, M., Tricheur, A., Crini, N., Badot, P.-M., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., Jurjanz, S., 2019. Estimer l’ingestion de terre pour évaluer l’exposition de ruminants aux polluants environnementaux. 4èmes Rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués de l’Ademe, 26-27 novembre, Paris, France.
  • Delannoy, M., Gaspard, S., Ranguin, R., Jean-Marius, C., Yacou, C., Cakir-Kiefer, C., Soligot-Hognon, C., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Evaluation de stratégies de séquestration de la chlordécone par du biochar et du charbon actif afin de limiter son transfert à l’animal d’élevage. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-19 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France
  • Delannoy, M., Gaspard, S., Razafitianamaharavo, A., Cakir-Kiefer, C., Soligot-Hognon, C., Montarges-Pelletier, E., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Efficiency assessment of soil amendment with biochars and activated carbons to limit CLD transfer to animal using in vitro and in vivo assays. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 14-17 mai, Rome, Italie.
  • Feidt, C., 2018. La chlordécone aux Antilles françaises. Journée Mondiale des Sols - Les liens entre déterminants de la santé et les sols, 03 décembre, Nancy, France.
  • Feidt, C., Lastel, M.-L., Pelonde, P., Iotti, J., Joaquim-Justo, C., Thomé, J.-P., Le Roux, Y., Mahieu, M., Fournier, A., Rychen, G., 2018. Création d'un outil de pilotage de la décontamination des bovins au pâturage à destination des éleveurs. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-19 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  • Feidt, C., Mahieu, M., Fournier, A., Collas, C., Delannoy, M., Jurjanz, S., Thomé, J.-P., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., 2018. Sécuriser les systèmes de production animale dans les territoires contaminés par la chlordécone - Projet INSSICCA. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-19 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  • Fourcot, A., Gourdine, J.-L., Feidt, C., Archimède, H., Mahieu, M., Thomé, J.-P., Adam, C., Joaquim-Justo, C., Rychen, G., Fournier, A, 2018. Toxicocinétique de la chlordécone chez l'espèce porcine, comparaison des génotypes Créole et Large White Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-19 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  •  Jurjanz, S., Collas, C., Quish, C., Younge, B., Feidt, C. 2019. Soil intake in grazing sport horses. 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26-30 August, Ghent, Belgium.
  • Lerch, S., Lastel, M.-L., Fournier, A., Jurjanz, S., Dziurla, M.-A., Linder, M., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Distribution de la chlordécone au sein de l'organisme du chevreau en fonction des teneurs tissulaires en lipides polaires. 24èmes Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, 05-06 décembre, Paris, France.
  • Lerch, S., Lastel, M.-L., Fournier, A., Jurjanz, S., Linder, M., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2018. Distribution de la chlordécone au sein de l'organisme du chevreau en fonction des teneurs tissulaires en lipides polaires. Journées d'Animation Scientifique du département PHASE (INRA), 04-05 avril, Rennes, France.
  • Mahieu, M., Collas, C., Jurjanz, S., Tournebize, R., Liber, Y., Laurent, F., Bedell, J.-P., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., Archimède, H., 2018. Evaluation de l'exposition des ruminants au pâturage. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-19 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  • Ranguin, R., Delannoy, M., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Gaspard, S., 2018. Exploring the use of locally produced activated carbon for treatment of chlordecone contaminated animals. The Caribbean Academy of Sciences, 20th General Meeting, 24-26 novembre, Deshaies, France.
  • Inthavong, C., Lavison-Bompard, G., Guérin, T., Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Parinet, J Bertin, Saint-Hilaire M., 2018. Development and validation of QuEChERS extraction methods with or without enzymatic pretreatment to analyze chlordecone and its metabolites by HPLC-MS/MS in urine and feces of ewes.


  • 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 14-17 mai, Rome, Italie.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Fournier, A., Thomé, J.-P., Adam, C., Parinet, J., Inthavong, C., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Chlordecone elimination kinetics in ewes. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC Europe), 14-17 mai, Rome, Italie.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Fournier, A., Thome, J.-P., Joacquim-Justo, C., Parinet, J., Inthavong, C., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., 2018. Toxicocinétique de la chlordécone chez la brebis. 6èmes Journées INRA Phase, 04-05 avril, Rennes, France.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Inthavong, C., Bertin, T., Lavison-Bompard, G., Guérin, T., Fournier, A., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Parinet, J., 2018. Maîtriser l'exposition de la population à travers le développement de méthodes analytiques pour le dosage de la chlordécone et de ses métabolites chez les animaux d'élevage. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-17 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  • Saint-Hilaire, M., Rychen, G., Thomé, J.-P., Adam, C., Joaquim-Justo, C., Inthavong, C., Parinet, J., Feidt, C., Fournier, A., 2018. Devenir de la chlordécone chez la brebis : linéarité, demi-vie et élimination. Colloque Scientifique et d'information sur la pollution par la chlordécone, 16-17 octobre, Fort-de-France (Schoelcher), France.
  • Feidt, C., 2019. Chlordecone a paragon of old chlorinated pesticides : fate from environment to the food chain - Human health implication. Al Farabi Readings, 09-10 avril, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
  • Angeon V., Lesage C., Bates S., Andrés-Domenech P., 2019, « Capacité adaptative des systèmes d'élevage face au risque sanitaire : le cas de la chlordécone en Guadeloupe », Colloque annuel de l’ASRDLF 4-6 juillet, Iasi, Roumanie.
  • Coulange, M., Fourcot, A., Fournier, A., Narduzzi, L., Rychen, G., Le Bizec, B., Feidt, C., Dervilly, G., 2019. Metabolomics as a powerful strategy to highlight chlordecone exposition and identify candidate biomarkers in serum. DIOXIN 2019 - 39th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistant Organic Pollutant, 25 août - 30 août, Kyoto, Japon.
  • Coulange, M., Fourcot, A., Fournier, A., Narduzzi, L., Rychen, G., Le Bizec, B., Feidt, C., Dervilly, G., 2019. Potential of metabolomics in chemical risk analysis - Application to chlordecone hazard characterization. 9th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, 05-08 novembre, Prague, République Tchèque.
  • Lesage C., Angeon V., Bates S., Andrés-Domenech P., 2019, “Modelling the viability of livestock systems with target: The case of the French West Indies”, Colloque international, WCNRM, 22-24 Mai, Montréal, Canada.
  • Ranguin, R., Jean-Marius, C., Yacou, C., Jeanne-Rose, V., Gaspard, S., Feidt, C., Rychen, G., Delannoy, M. 2020. Reduction of chlordecone environmental availability by soil amendment of biochars and activated carbons. 35th International Conference on Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 01-05 juillet, Manchester, Royaume-Uni


    Expertise des partenaires INSSICCA - publications antérieures au projet


    • Angeon, V., Bates, S., Diman, J.-L. Fanchone, A., Saint-Pierre, P., 2010. Systemic Vulnerability vs Resilience in Small Island Territories: Keys for a Viable Adaptation of the Agricultural Sector. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 1, pp. 515-516. 
    • Maas, S., Lucot E., Gimbert, F., Crini, N., Badot P-M., 2011. Trace metals in raw cows’ milk and assessment of transfer to Comté cheese. Food Chemistry, 129 (1), pp. 7-12.
    • Archimède, H.,  Gourdine, J-L., Fanchone, A., Tournebize, R., Bassien-Capsa, M. González-García, E., 2012. Integrating banana and ruminant production in the French West Indies. Tropical animal health and production, 44, pp. 1289-1296.
    • Jurjanz, S., Feidt, C., Perez-Prieto, L.A., Ribeiro Filho, H.M.N., Rychen, G., Delagarde, R., 2012. Soil intake of lactating dairy cows in intensive strip-grazing systems. Animal, 6 (8), pp. 1350-1359.
    • Brioschi L., Steinmann, M., Lucot, E., Pierret, M.C., Stille, P., Prunier, J., Badot, P-M., 2013. Transfer of rare earth elements (REE) from natural soil to plant systems: implications for the environmental availability of anthropogenic REE. Plant and Soil, 366 (1-2), pp 143–163.
    • Boucher O., Simard M-N., Muckle G., Rouget F., Kadhel P., Bataille H., Chajès V., Dallaire R., Monfort C., Thomé J-P., Multigner L., Cordier S., 2013. Exposure to an organochlorine pesticide (chlordecone) and development of 18-month-old infants. NeuroToxicology, 35, 162-168.
    • Bouveret C, Rychen G, Lerch S, Jondreville C, Feidt C., 2013. Relative Bioavailability of Tropical Volcanic Soil-Bound Chlordecone in Piglets. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 61, 9269-9274
    • Durimel, A., Altenor, S., Miranda-Quintana, R., Couespel du mesnil, P., Ulises-Javier, J.-H., Gadiou, R., Gaspard, S., 2013. PH dependence of chlordecone adsorption on activated carbons and role of adsorbent physico-chemical properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 229, pp. 239-249.
    • Jondreville, C., Bouveret, C., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2013. Relative bioavailibility of tropical volcanic soil bound chlordecone in laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 (1), pp. 292-299.
    • Archimède, H., Alexandre, G., Mahieu, M., Fleury, J., Petro, D., Garcia, G., Fanchone, A., Bambou, J-C. Marie-Magdeleine, C., Gourdine, J-L., González-García, E. Mandonnet, N., 2014. Agroecological Resources for Sustainable Livestock Farming in the Humid Tropics, in Sustainable Agriculture Reviews 14: Agroecology and Global Change, Springer International Publishing, 9, pp. 299-330.
    • Bates, S., Angeon, V., Ainouche, A., 2014. The pentagon of vulnerability and resilience: A methodological proposal in development economics by using graph theory. Economic Modelling, 42, pp. 445–453.
    • Jondreville, C., Fournier, A., Mahieu, M., Feidt, C., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., 2014. Kinetic study of chlordecone orally given to laying hens (Gallus domesticus). Chemosphere, 114 (0), pp. 275-281.
    • Jondreville, C., Lavigne, A., Jurjanz, S., Dalibard, C., Liabeuf, J.-M., Clostre, F., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M., 2014. Contamination of free-range ducks by chlordecone in Martinique (French West Indies): a field study. Science of the Total Environment, 493 (0), pp. 336-341.
    • Jurjanz, S., Germain, K., Dziurla, M.-A., Juin, H., Jondreville, C., 2014. Use of acid-insoluble ash and n-alkanes as markers of soil and plant ingestion by chickens. Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology, 188, pp. 92-101.
    • Jurjanz, S., Jondreville, C., Mahieu, M., Fournier, A., Archimède, H., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2014. Relative bioavailability of soil-bound chlordecone in growing lambs. Environm Geochemistry and Health, 36 (6), pp. 911-917.
    • Rychen, G., Jurjanz, S., Fournier, A., Toussaint, H., Feidt, C.,  2014. Exposure of ruminants to persistent organic pollutants and potential decontamination. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 (10), pp. 6440-6447.
    • Angeon, V. & Bates, S., 2015. Reviewing Composite Vulnerability and Resilience Indexes: A Sustainable Approach and Application. World Development, 72, pp. 140-162.
    • Bates, S. & Angeon, V., 2015. Promoting the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States: Insights from Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis. Région et Développement. 42, pp .15-29.
    • Delannoy, M., Fournier, A., Tankari Dan-Badjo, A., Schwartz, J., Lerch, S., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2015. Impact of soil characteristics on relative bioavailability of NDL-PCBs in piglets. Chemosphere, 139 (-), pp. 393-401.
    • Fournier, A., Martin, O., Travel, A., Puillet, L., Feidt, C., Jondreville, C., 2015. Modeling PCB transfer into hen eggs : influence of physiological characteristics of the animal. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34 (1), pp. 173-183.
    • Jurjanz, S., Germain, K., Juin, H., Jondreville, C., 2015. Plant and soil intake by organic broilers reared in tree- or grass-covered plots as determined by means of n-alkanes and of acid-insoluble ash. Animal, 9 (5), pp. 888-898.
    • Lerch, S., Lastel, M.-L., Grandclaudon, C., Brechet, C., Rychen, G., Feidt, C., 2015. In vivo prediction of goat kids body composition from the deuterium oxide dilution space determined by isotope-ratio mass spectrometry. Journal of Animal Science, 93 (9), pp. 4463-4472.
    • Passé-Coutrin, N., Maisonneuve, L., Durimel, A.,  Dentzer, J., Gadiou, R., Gaspard, S. 2015. Improving of understanding of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) adsorption on activated carbons by temperature-programmed desorption studies. Environmental science and pollution research international. 23(1), pp. 128-138.
    • Lafontaine A., Gismondi E., Boulangé-Lecomte C., Dodet N., Caupos F., Lemoine S., Lagadic L., Thomé J-P., Forget-Leray J., 2016. Effects of chlordecone on 20-hydroxyecdysone concentration and chitobiase activity in a decapod crustacean, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Aquatic Toxicology, 176, 53-63.
    • Boval M., Angeon, V., Rudel, T., 2017. Tropical grasslands: A pivotal place for a more multi-functional agriculture. Ambio. 46 (1) 48-56.
    • Feidt, C., Fournier, A., Collas, C., Lerch, S., Toussaint, H., Delannoy, M., Jurjanz, S., Rychen, G., 2017. L'exposition des animaux d'élevage aux contaminants environnementaux : comment garantir la sécurité alimentaire ? Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire - Elevage et Santé, 9 (37), pp. 46-53.
    • Kumar Rana, V., Kissner, R. Ulises-Javier, J-H., Gaspard, S.,  Levalois-Grützmacher, J., 2017. Enhanced chlordecone (Kepone) removal by FeO-nanoparticles loaded on activated carbon. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5 (2), pp. 1608-1617.
    • Lafontaine A., Gismondi E., Dodet N., Joaquim-Justo C., Boulangé-Lecomte C, Caupos F., Lemoine S., Lagadic L., Forget-Leray J., Thomé J-P., 2017. Bioaccumulation, distribution and elimination of chlordecone in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii: Field and laboratory studies. Chemosphere, 185, 888-898.

    Nos partenaires