UR AFPA - Unit Research Animal And Functionality Of Animal Products

Composed by 34 teacher-researchers, hospital practitioners and researchers, 21 technicians (BIATSS and ITA) and 21 PhD students, UR AFPA is a laboratory of University of Lorraine under contract with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) and belongs to the scientific cluster "Agronomy, Food, Forest" (A2F) and to the research federation 4242 "Forest Ecosystems, Agricultural Resources, Biomolecules, Food" (EFABA). UR AFPA is organized into three research teams:

  • Topic DAC : team develop a generic approach in order to deal more rationally with the process of domestication in aquaculture
  • Topic MRCA : team search to predict the biodisponibility of organic contaminants and their biological effects.
  • Topic QUALIVIE : team focuses on determining the mechanisms underlying changes in bioavailability of dietary lipid that contribute towards metabolic and cellular dysfunctions associated with age.
  1. NeuroPOP : (Porteur Pr T. Claudepierre),
  2. OVOLIP : (Porteur Dr B. Schaerlinger).

The teacher-researchers of the laboratory are strongly implied in the technological and scientific formation of the University of Lorraine (DUT Bioengineering, Professional Licences, Scientific Licences, Masters BioMane and FAGE, engineer formation ENSAIA).


UR AFPA - Unit Research Animal And Functionality Of Animal Products

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