The laboratory of animal ecology and ecotoxicology (LEAE) of the University of Liège (Belgium) which is associated to the CART (Center for Analytical Research and Technology) has conducted studies on the contamination of aquatic ecosystems by organic pollutants (POPs and pesticides) for the past 30 years with the aim of characterizing the contamination levels and the transfer dynamics between the compartments of these ecosystems. The impact of these pollutants on life traits and metabolic pathways of freshwater fishes and invertebrates has also been studied in the laboratory for the past 15 years.
The CART-LEAE has been involved for the past 15 years in studies of issues related to the presence of chlordecone in the French Antilles (Guadeloupe and Martinique) and both public health (collaboration with the INSERM of Rennes, the CHU of Pointe-à-Pitre, the InVS and the ARS-santé) and the ecotoxicological impacts of this pesticide on freshwater biocenosis (collaboration with the INRA-Rennes, the University of the Havre and the University of the Antilles). The LEAE-CART is involved in the toxicocinetic studies of chlordecone concentration in serum from sheep, cows and pigs in the framework of the INSSICCA program.