Chlordecone (CLD), an organochlorine pesticide used in the French West Indies from 1971 to 1993 to control a banana pest, has now become an environmental contaminant. It affects many ecosystems in the long term. Transferred from reservoir compartments, that are sediment or soil, to plants or animals, it calls into question the safety of the food chain and threatens the health of consumers. Local sectors are thus threatened and must strive to produce healthy food despite environmental contamination. The INSSICCA project aims to secure products from formal and informal animal sectors. The species concerned, exclusively terrestrial, are ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats) and pigs. A consortium of researchers has been formed on the basis of a bouquet of skills necessary for the project, ranging from the strictly zootechnical aspects to the social acceptability of the solutions that will be proposed. The project is divided into six deliverables and will last until 2021.
Find enclose the project details [update : 21 june 2017] :